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Baptism in the Temple

In Matthew the Savior tells the Apostles to go to the four corners of the world and to baptise. The apostles are signified by twelve oxen facing the four cardinal directions as described in 1 Kings 7:23-26."

The question: "do the four canopic jars under the bedstead in facsimile 1 represent the four corners of the world?" produced the following answer in ChatGPT: "Yes, in some interpretations, the four canopic jars in facsimile 1 are associated with the four cardinal directions or corners of the world. Each canopic jar, represented by the four sons of Horus, could be linked to a specific direction: Imsety (human-headed) to the south, Duamutef (jackal-headed) to the east, Qebehsenuef (falcon-headed) to the west, and Hapy (baboon-headed) to the north. This connection symbolizes the protection and preservation of the deceased individual across all directions of the world in the afterlife."